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不多说,搬瓦工bandwagonhost是博主第一家入手的VPS服务商,已经稳定非常久了,这次上个线的CN2 GIA VPS算是相当便宜了,并且流量和口子也不错,如果有相关需求的的确可以考虑直接下单,看看我这10年前的64M机器。
Basic VPS - Self-managed - The DC9 Plan **Refundable within 30 days even if IP is blocked by GFW** **Limited stock available** SSD: 15 GB RAID-10 RAM: 768 MB CPU: 1x Intel Xeon Transfer: 750 GB/mo Link speed: 1.5 Gigabit Location: Los Angeles China Telecom CN2 GIA Direct peering with Google Free automatic backups Free snapshots VPS technology: KVM/KiwiVM OS: 32 or 64 bit Centos, Debian, Ubuntu Instant OS reload IPv4: 1 dedicated address IPv6 support: **No** Full root access Instant RDNS update from control panel No contract, anytime cancellation Strictly self-managed, no support 99.9% uptime guarantee
回程:三网洛杉矶CN2 GIA
DC9 测试IP: